





@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deployopen in new window


# Yarn

yarn add -D @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy

# Npm

npm i -D @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy




class Deployer {

   * @param hre Hardhat runtime environment. This object is provided to scripts by hardhat itself.
   * @param zkWallet The wallet which will be used to deploy the contracts.
   * @param deploymentType Optional deployment type that relates to the ContractDeployer system contract function to be called. Defaults to deploying regular smart contracts.
  constructor(hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, zkWallet: zk.Wallet, deploymentType?: zk.types.DeploymentType)

   * Created a `Deployer` object on ethers.Wallet object.
   * @param hre Hardhat runtime environment. This object is provided to scripts by hardhat itself.
   * @param ethWallet The wallet which will be used to deploy the contracts.
   * @param deploymentType Optional deployment type that relates to the ContractDeployer system contract function to be called. Defaults to deploying regular smart contracts.
  static fromEthWallet(hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, ethWallet: ethers.Wallet, deploymentType?: zk.types.DeploymentType)

   * Loads an artifact and verifies that it was compiled by `zksolc\.
   * @param contractNameOrFullyQualifiedName The name of the contract.
   *   It can be a bare contract name (e.g. "Token") if it's
   *   unique in your project, or a fully qualified contract name
   *   (e.g. "contract/token.sol:Token") otherwise.
   * @throws Throws an error if a non-unique contract name is used,
   *   indicating which fully qualified names can be used instead.
   * @throws Throws an error if an artifact was not compiled by `zksolc`.
  public async loadArtifact(
    contractNameOrFullyQualifiedName: string
  ): Promise<ZkSyncArtifact>

   * Estimates the price of calling a deploy transaction in a certain fee token.
   * @param artifact The previously loaded artifact object.
   * @param constructorArguments List of arguments to be passed to the contract constructor.
   * @returns Calculated fee in ETH wei.
  public async estimateDeployFee(
    artifact: ZkSyncArtifact,
    constructorArguments: any[]
  ): Promise<ethers.BigNumber>

    * Sends a deploy transaction to the zkSync network.
    * For now it uses defaults values for the transaction parameters:
    * @param artifact The previously loaded artifact object.
    * @param constructorArguments List of arguments to be passed to the contract constructor.
    * @param overrides Optional object with additional deploy transaction parameters.
    * @param additionalFactoryDeps Additional contract bytecodes to be added to the factory dependencies list.
    * The fee amount is requested automatically from the zkSync server.
    * @returns A contract object.
  public async deploy(
    artifact: ZkSyncArtifact,
    constructorArguments: any[],
    overrides?: Overrides,
    additionalFactoryDeps?: ethers.BytesLike[],
  ): Promise<zk.Contract>

   * Extracts factory dependencies from the artifact.
   * @param artifact Artifact to extract dependencies from
   * @returns Factory dependencies in the format expected by SDK.
  async extractFactoryDeps(artifact: ZkSyncArtifact): Promise<string[]>






networks: {
  goerli: {
    url: "https://goerli.infura.io/v3/<API_KEY>" // URL of the Ethereum Web3 RPC (optional)
  zkTestnet: {
    url: "https://zksync2-testnet.zksync.dev", // URL of the zkSync network RPC
    ethNetwork: "goerli", // URL of the Ethereum Web3 RPC, or the identifier of the network (e.g. `mainnet` or `goerli`)
    zksync: true
// defaultNetwork: "zkTestnet", // optional (if not set, use '--network zkTestnet')
  • zkTestnet是一个任意的zkSync网络名称。你可以使用defaultNetwork属性选择它作为默认网络。
  • url是一个字段,如果是zkSync网络(zksync标志设置为true),则是zkSync节点的URL,或Ethereum节点的URL。这个字段对于这个插件使用的所有zkSync和Ethereum网络都是必需的。
  • ethNetwork是一个包含Ethereum节点的URL的字段。你也可以提供网络名称(例如:goerli)作为这个字段的值。在这种情况下,插件将使用适当的以太坊网络配置的URL(来自networks部分),如果没有提供配置,则使用该网络的默认ethers提供者。本插件使用的所有zkSync网络都需要这个字段。
  • zksync是一个标志,表示该网络是否代表zkSync网络配置。这个字段对所有zkSync网络需要设置为true。默认为 "false"。


hardhat deploy-zksync -- 运行deploy文件夹中的所有脚本。



  • 要运行特定的脚本,请添加--脚本参数,例如,hardhat deploy-zksync --脚本001_deploy.ts将运行脚本./deploy/001_deploy.ts
  • 要在特定的zkSync网络上运行,使用标准的hardhat--network参数,例如--network zkTestnet(名称为zkTestnet的网络需要在hardhat.config.ts文件中配置,并包含上述所有必需的字段),或者在hardhat.config.ts文件中指定defaultNetwork


如果没有指定网络参数--networkdefaultNetwork配置,将使用http://localhost:8545(Ethereum RPC URL)和http://localhost:3050(zkSync RPC URL)的本地设置,。在这种情况下,zkSync网络不需要在hardhat.config.ts文件中进行配置。 关于docker化本地设置的更多细节,请查看本地测试