

这个插件用于在将Solidity智能合约部署到zkSync Era之前提供一个方便的接口来编译它们。


@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-solcopen in new window


# Yarn
yarn add -D @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-solc

# Npm
npm i -D @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-solc





zksolc: {
  version: "1.3.1",
  compilerSource: "binary",  // binary or docker (deprecated)
  settings: {
    compilerPath: "zksolc",  // ignored for compilerSource: "docker"
    experimental: {
      dockerImage: "matterlabs/zksolc", // Deprecated: used for compilerSource: "docker"
      tag: "latest"   // Deprecated: used for compilerSource: "docker"
    libraries:{}, // optional. References to non-inlinable libraries
    isSystem: false, // optional.  Enables Yul instructions available only for zkSync system contracts and libraries
    forceEvmla: false // optional. Falls back to EVM legacy assembly if there is a bug with Yul
networks: {
  hardhat: {
    zksync: true  // enables zksync in hardhat local network


编译器不再作为Docker镜像发布,不再推荐使用。使用Hardhat配置文件中的 compilerSource: "binary"在Hardhat配置文件中使用二进制文件来代替。

  • version is a field with the version of the zksolc compiler. Compiler versions can be found in the following repositoryopen in new window.
  • compilerSource indicates the compiler source and can be either docker or binary (recommended). If there isn't a compiler binary already installed, the plugin will automatically download it. If docker is used, you'd need to run Docker desktop in the background and provide both dockerImage and tag in the experimental section.
  • compilerPath (optional) is a field with the path to the zksolc binary. By default, the binary in $PATH is used. If compilerSource is docker, this field is ignored.
  • dockerImage and tag make up the name of the compiler docker image. If compilerSource is binary, these fields are ignored.
  • libraries if your contract uses non-inlinable libraries as dependencies, they have to be defined here. Learn more about compiling libraries here
  • isSystem - required if contracts use enables Yul instructions available only for zkSync system contracts and libraries
  • forceEvmla - falls back to EVM legacy assembly if there is a bug with Yul
  • zksync network option indicates whether zksolc is enabled on a certain network. false by default. Useful for multichain projects in which you can enable zksync only for specific networks.

`forceEvmla` usage

将 "forceEvmla "字段设置为 "true "会产生以下负面影响。

  • 不支持递归。
  • 不支持内部函数指针。
  • 合同大小或性能影响。



hardhat compile -- 编译contracts目录下的所有智能合约,并创建artifacts-zk文件夹,其中包含所有编译工件,包括合约的工厂依赖,可用于合约部署。

要了解什么是工厂依赖,请阅读Web3 API文档中的更多内容。